Aspirating detection systems now cover an extensive number and variety of applications. Each different aspirating system application can have many varying dimensions, airflows, background particle levels, sensitivity and performance requirements, etc. Therefore, each application needs to be designed specifically for its own layout and risk.

Aspirating system applications may contain different combustible materials, this means that different amounts and types of fire and smoke particles may be created in these areas. For this reason, it is important to select the correct detection technology for the risk. Firstly, it is important to understand how a fire starts. The earliest stages of a fire (incipient stage) happens when a combustible material overheats. This produces a very high quantity of invisible “fire” particles (0,0025 Microns in size), that may have an odour but cannot be seen: only Cloud Chamber based detectors can detect this stage of a fire and make the particles visible. The Hybrid Scanner system is therefore able not only to reveal fire principles in advance with respect to the traditional systems, but also to identify exactly from which pipe/zone the fire is coming from.

Riellofire range is completed by Pro Point Plus aspirating smoke sensors. They use the “optical” LED Scatter Chamber Detectors (SCD’s) within each of the four individual aspirator sampling ports for a verification of smoke levels. They can be configured without the need for a laptop connection. It is important to underline the real advantages of these systems in terms of maintenance, since their simplicity and immediacy make them extremely performing in difficult environments such as: high ceiling areas, false ceilings, data centres, cold rooms and all the places where carrying out a periodic maintenance can be difficult.